Sarah's Day: Sweat It to Shred It Review

My fitness buddy (my mom) and I recently completed the eight-week fitness program, Sweat It to Shred It! This is a fitness program design by Sarah Stevens, also know as @sarahs_day on YouTube and Instagram. Neither my mom nor I had ever been very consistent when it came to working out. We decided we were going to hold each other accountable and do the damn thing! A little background for those of you that might not know us too well. I’m 22 years old, reasonably active, and played college soccer. My mom is 59 years old, jogs, and enjoys working out. We are on two different levels when it comes to fitness. So, you will hear two different sides to this review. Also, can we give my mom a round of applause? She’s still kicking butt and taking names at 59 years old.

the schedule

Okay, let’s break down what all of this means.

Sweaty Shredder is a cardio-based workout. You might be able to tell by the name that these workouts will get you super sweaty. My mom and I agree that these are usually the most challenging workouts of the week.

Toning Power has some cardio but is mainly focused on one muscle group, such as legs, arms, booty, etc. Toning Power workouts have fewer exercises, but you do each exercise for a longer duration of time.

On Activity days, there will be a suggested activity. The activities can vary from walking, swimming, beach workout, stretching, etc. Usually, on these days, we would do a two-mile walk.

Challenge days are exactly what they sound like, a challenge. Typically, a short 10-20 minute workout, you can smash out but still get a sweat going.

Here are some examples of the type of exercises that are included in the ebook:

The Timer App

The timer app is so helpful even if you’re not following this workout plan! You can plug in your entire workout, breaks included, so you never have to bother with your timer. I really like using this timer because it holds me accountable for my break times. The timer will keep track of rounds, exercises and will tell you when you are halfway.

the results

Although my mom and I don’t feel totally comfortable sharing our before and after photos, I can assure you I saw a change in both of us. I could tell that both of our legs were shaping up. Like most women, I wanted to flatten my stomach a tad. I definitely feel like this program has helped me do that. If you’re looking to tighten up your abdomen, the 10-minute ab-blaster will be your best friend. My mom and I both agreed that we didn’t gain a ton of muscle mass but definitely felt more toned everywhere!

Pros and Cons

Pros: No equipment required, flexibility in workout days, progressively gets more demanding, different workouts every day, no planning required, and suitable for any type of fitness level

Cons: Sometimes it’s hard to tell what the exercises are based on photos, no weights involved, could be hard to stay committed to eight weeks

Overall thoughts

I enjoyed this fitness plan a lot. I was definitely pushed, but I didn’t feel like I was going to die. Both my mom and I got sore initially, but our bodies got used to the workouts towards the end! I would recommend this to someone that wants to start working out, wants to get back into working out, or wants to get on a regular routine!

Words from Momma Kittle

“On the surface, the workouts seem difficult, but once you get into it, it’s not that bad. It’s easier than what it appears, and the longer you do it, the easier it gets! In the first three weeks, you could definitely do more. We usually took a walk on our rest days. But once it ramps up to five days a week, it gets a lot harder. But it’s a great workout plan!”

We also did the second Sarah’s Day Ebook. Sweat it Reload Review talks all about the differences between the first and second ebook! Leave me a comment below if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!

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